How Enduring is the American-style Asian Version of NATO?
The United States, committed to fanning the flames of wars in various regions around the world, and to entangling the whole world in military blocs and armed coalitions that are subordinate to it alone, in recent years has begun to purposefully approach how to create military alliances against countries that refuse to obey Washington’s dictates. Specifically owing...
Why Washington's Arab-NATO Doomed to Failure from the Start
Even after hitting a number of stumbling blocks on the road to the establishment of an anti-Iranian military bloc of Sunni states - the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA, Washington would still carry on its attempts to create a unified armed opposition to its primary...
“Arab NATO” Explodes on Takeoff
It hasn't gone unnoticed by the majority of geopolitical analysts that the Trump administration has been promoting the idea of a Middle Eastern military alliance rather aggressively. The so-called Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA that is being more commonly referred to as the “Arab NATO”...
Saudi Arabia in the Grip of the ‘Frenemy’
Over 40 countries joined the Islamic Military Alliance, the creation of which was announced with fanfare by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salman. This military alliance will become a ‘strong signal’ to terror organisations, which in recent years maintained...