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Archives Africa - Page 21 of 32 - New Eastern Outlook

A New Kind of “Domino Effect” Changes Africa’s Orbit?

According to a recent Council of Foreign Relations report, Russia’s growing influence results from a massive disinformation campaign. Those who read the report with an objective eye will quickly notice the earmarks of America’s disinformation campaign against the Russians. Where Russia-Africa relations are concerned, CFR and other sources cite Wagner PMC, weapons trade, and some form of Russian neocolonialism as major factors of the so-called “Russia shift.” That notorious “domino effect” Washington used to justify the Vietnam War appears to already be in motion in Africa…

Phil Butler

Church of England: Bless Homosexual Couples. Pope: Do it Quick!

Christmas 2023 happened under a heavy cloud of contestation in Kenya as the Archbishop of Nairobi rejected the pope’s edict requiring priest to bless gay couples as the Vatican had directed on December 18th. As we await for the New Year, concerns of whether Christmas or the church will maintain its historical sense is pertinent, amidst Neoliberals’ Legitimizing Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Transsexuals, and Queer (LGBTQ) movement. Similarly, the question of whether societies will continue creating people capable of reproducing, with stable sexual and religious identities…

Simon Chege Ndiritu

Jamu is a unique phenomenon in the political culture of West Africa

There is now an unequivocal scientific consensus that political, economic, social and cultural issues in Sub-Saharan Africa must be viewed through the prism of ethnicity. This hypothesis is supported by the multi-ethnicity characteristic of most of the states in the region and the rich empirical base of inter-ethnic conflicts and contradictions based on the study of East, Tropical and Southern Africa. Nevertheless, with regard to the territory of the former Western Sudan and, according to some data, some other areas of the African continent, it is appropriate to speak of a significant levelling…

Ivan Kopytsev