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08.09.2014 Mark Goleman

Japan was one of the first great powers to have accepted the Mongolian People's Republic and establish diplomatic relations with it in February 1972. Since then Japanese-Mongolian relations have undergone several stages...

08.09.2014 Konstantin Asmolov

North Korea hits the headlines yet again in several foreign news outlets. The 5000 won bill design is without the image of Kim Il-sung – the Great Leader, the Eternal President of the Republic and the founder of the Republic. Such developments have...

07.09.2014 Janet Phelan

The word is out. People are leaving the US in droves. The latest FBI NICS list of American citizens who have expatriated shows a spike in individuals who have renounced their US citizenship. The  list, published quarterly, provides a grand total...

07.09.2014 Ulson Gunnar

The United States has been inching its way toward intervention in Syria since hostilities began in 2011. From the beginning the US State Department admitted that terrorist armies were waging war against Damascus, but both the US government, its allies in Europe...

06.09.2014 Caleb Maupin

How many times have we seen this before? The President of the United States is on TV telling us horror stories. Some innocent people in some corner of the world are being crushed, he tells us. They face some monstrously evil oppressor, he says. While the United States...

06.09.2014 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Creation of Kurdistan may be an issue of great significance for the Kurds; however, it is an open secret that this creation necessarily involves large scale territorial adjustments, i.e., redrawing boundaries of at least three major Middle Eastern countries...

05.09.2014 Konrad Stachnio

Today, one of the leading Polish newspapers (I won’t tell the name on purpose so as not to advertise it writes that Putin wants the third world war and Poland should only arm itself, building further expansion of NATO and preparing for...

05.09.2014 Yuri Simonyan

Iran and Armenia will soon start negotiations on a free trade area (FTA. The initiative was suggested by Tehran when its official representative put forward the proposal a few days ago. How realistic is it that this project will...

05.09.2014 Konstantin Orlov

The large-scale events currently unfolding in the Middle East quite clearly and explicitly support the proverbial wisdom according to which “he who digs a pit for others falls in himself. Don’t dig one hole to another, I'll fall into it.” It is this...

04.09.2014 Tony Cartalucci

Russian journalist Andrey Stenin, missing for a month in Ukraine, has been confirmed dead. He was part of a convoy of refugees fleeing the fighting in Ukraine's eastern region when he came under artillery fire. The vehicle he was in, along with several others, was...

04.09.2014 Henry Kamens

Western veterans of the Iraq War have long objected to the fact that they were sent there on the basis of an outright lie - that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction ready to be launched in 20 minutes. Those who saw their friends killed an...

03.09.2014 David Stuart

The growing ten- sion between the US and Russia over the recent develop- ments in Ukraine has been overshadowed by the growing threat of Jihadist extremism in the Middle East. The potentially catastro- phic consequences of the...