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The World Passes the US By

653242342Now that RT is no longer available on television in Philadelphia, I watch more France 24 than before, when I divided my TV-watching between those two and MSNBC. The difference in offerings never ceases to amaze me, but while ‘Putin’s bullhorn’ tended to focus on non-typical Russian…

Deena Stryker | Politics

Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons

The United States Air Force's 59th Medical Wing's molecular biology branch recently was revealed to have been collecting specifically Russian RNA and synovial (connective tissue samples, prompting fears in Russia of a possible US directed ethnic-specific bioweapons program...

Tony Cartalucci | Politics

The Initiative of Four Emerges in Manila

Previously, we have mentioned that various international forums, which were initially associated with serious positive expectations, have today turned mainly into political vanity fairs. In assessing the peculiarities of the modern global game, these events are not of interest...

Vladimir Terehov | Politics
Spotlight: BRICS

St Petersburg Cultural Forum and the development of international humanitarian relations

On September 11-14 the 10th St Petersburg International Cultural Forum took place at the same time Russia is chairing CIS and BRICS. This year the theme of the forum was ‘Culture in the XXI century: sovereignty or globalism?’. The programme…
Ksenia Muratshina | Society

Meeting with BRICS high-ranking officials responsible for security matters: a serious effort in the fight against global threats

Vladimir Putin met with BRICS high-ranking officials responsible for security matters at the Konstantinovsky Palace in St Petersburg. This is the 14th such forum held within the framework of BRICS. The meeting in St Petersburg and the growing role of…
Alexandr Svaranc | Security

Turkey's BRICS Membership Bid

Abbas Hashemite | Politics