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Search result for the query: international tribunal

South China Sea a Touchstone for the New Realities

At the recent Australia-China Business Council meeting in Canberra, China’s ambassador to Australia Cheng Jingye accused Australia of harbouring a cold war mentality, and said that “less bias and bigotry” was needed if the currently strained relationship between the two countries...

James ONeill

Jacksonian Trump and the Root of Global Evil

The Trump phenomenon, to paraphrase Lincoln, who may not have said this at all, “you can fool some of the people all of the time,” deeply parallels the elections of 1824 and 1828. This is when consummate “outsider,” a tough-as-nails backwoods “westerner” and war hero, Andrew Jackson...

Gordon Duff

Australia and the Rules Based Internal Order

One of the most frequently heard phrases from Prime Minister Turnbull and Foreign Minister Bishop is their reiteration of a belief in the “rules based international order.” This phrase is usually invoked in the context of a criticism...

James ONeill