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Search result for the query: international tribunal

Who is Going to Pay the "Libyan Bill"?

Half a decade ago the United States along with NATO embarked on a quest to destroy Libya. On March 17, 2011 at the request of US President Barack Obama, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1973 that allowed the so-called Western coalition tо...

Martin Berger

Will Tony Blair Be Ever Brought to Justice?

Once the international tribunal delivered its verdict for the former President of Republika Srpska, Radovan Karadzic, Western political and media circles have been ecstatic. The verdict was greeted with particular enthusiasm by UK Prime Minister...

Martin Berger

How Much Money Will Erdogan Make from the EU Migration Crisis?

The migration crisis remains one of the most puzzling problems European politicians have faced so far. Despite a number of desperate steps taken by various EU structures...

Martin Berger