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Search result for the query: international tribunal

Change – new political move towards Russia and China

Leaving NATO, placing State over international capital, cooperation with the Eurasian Union. These are the slogans that in times of sanctions, austerity and coups sponsored by oligarchs NGOs sound like a figment of the lunatic. However, in Poland, a new party is born...

Konrad Stachnio

Ukraine, Fighting the Spin

There was no coup or revolution in the Ukraine. It was an invasion and it is still going on. Real surrender begins with psychological warfare. You have an opponent “on the run” when you get them to accept your narrative. The term, roughly translated as Revolution of Dignity, was...

Gordon Duff

Monsanto’s Trojan Horse will eat in EU Fields

Monsanto just succeeded in getting a mammoth Trojan Horse inside the European Union. A rotten compromise has just been approved, amid great fanfare from both pro-GMO and anti-GMO sides, which will allow national governments to individually decide whether or...

F. William Engdahl