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Search result for the query: international tribunal

On Issue of International Tribunal to Prosecute Former Terrorism Supporters

The year 2019 marked a decisive defeat of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (referred to as Daesh in Arabic; editor’s note: an organization banned in the Russian Federation, which established a quasi-state in parts of Iraq and Syria. This group included more than 100,000 fighters from 86...

Valery Kulikov

Israel: yet another strong condemnation from the international community

The UN International Court of Justice of the United Nations ruled in the Hague (Netherlands) that Israel’s presence in the occupied Palestinian territories is illegal and called for its immediate cessation, as well as stopping settlement construction, issuing an unprecedented and strong condemnation of Israel’s rule in the lands it seized 57 years ago. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu harshly condemned this conclusion, issued by a panel of 15 judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), saying that these territories are allegedly part of the historical homeland of the Jewish people.

Viktor Mikhin

Von der Leyen’s Special Tribunal As Fascist Theatre

On Wednesday November 30, Ursula Von der Leyen, the German president of the European Commission, stated that the European Union will set up a specialised tribunal, backed by the United Nations, to investigate and prosecute possible war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine. The French foreign ministry and Kiev regime echoed her remarks...

Christopher Black