25.01.2019 Henry Kamens

Armenian-Iranian relations have the potential to achieve new levels of ‘amicable’ collaboration—if the two nations are left alone to deal with one another. Although few laypersons can even locate one or the other on a map, many soon will be able to as American sanctions on Iran impact...

01.10.2018 Gordon Duff

On September 28, 2018 Russia’s Pravda news outlet published a story titled; “Putin in Azerbaijan: Israel will have to leave Moscow’s Sphere of Influence.” The story itself was sketchy on details of the exchange. “Russian President Vladimir Putin came to Baku to...

08.05.2016 Jim Dean

“The Turks have passed by here; all is in ruins and mourning.“ - Victor Hugo, 1880, Balkan liberation wars. It did not take long to smell a rat on this story. Question number one in these out of thin air conflicts is “why now”? And the answer...

28.04.2016 Tony Cartalucci

Another day, another protest in Armenia. And if we were to simply believe the Western media regarding this 'other protest,' we might get the impression that the Armenian people are upset with Russian policy and "Putinism." In reality, the protests...

06.04.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

The breakdown of Turkey’s aggressive plans directed against Syria, Ankara’s fault in the strong aggravation of the Russian-Turkish relations, the complication of Turkey’s domestic security issues and its...

17.07.2015 Seth Ferris

When a neocon friend sends me an article out of the blue trying to tell me “I hate to tell you so but I told you so” alarm bells start ringing. They ring even louder when I am told that the article relates to what is going on in Armenia … “real or...

05.11.2014 Eric Draitser

There is a perception among political observers who monitor the Caspian region that Azerbaijan is a staunch ally of the West, that its military and intelligence cooperation with the West, coupled with its reliance on Western...