21.04.2023 Alexandr Svaranc
Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and Zbigniew Brzezinski

The modern Republic of Azerbaijan occupies an important geographic location in the South Caucasus, being the western shore of the Caspian Sea and a “gateway” to the resource-rich region of Central Asia (historical Turkestan). Geography, as a rule, largely determines the policy of the state. And it is this geographical feature of Azerbaijan that has determined the role and place of the republic in the region, as well as in the system of geopolitical contradictions of the leading world actors. However, geography itself…

04.12.2021 Vladimir Platov

On November 28, the 15th Summit of the Leaders of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) Member-States was held in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, with the participation of the heads of state and governments of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey...

05.10.2021 Vladimir Platov

Recent weeks have seen a significant military escalation on the border between Azerbaijan and Iran. With belligerent statements made by both sides, Iranian troops are being transferred to the border with their northern neighbor. Explaining the move, Brigadier-General Mohammad Pakpour, commander of the Ground Forces of the Islamic...

05.08.2021 Dmitry Bokarev

The Republic of Azerbaijan, a former Soviet state that is now a member of the CIS, is a long-term partner of Russia. Although it is not a member of such important (from Russia’s perspective international organizations as the EAEC (Eurasian Economic Union and the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization, Russia...

30.10.2020 Henry Kamens

It is still difficult to find out what is actually going on in the NK conflict zone. News outlets are highly selective in their reporting, which is based more often than not on carefully controlled information drips from Azerbaijan and Armenia. The reports being shared back and forth on various sites are little more than versions of whose ox...

22.10.2020 Viktor Mikhin

As the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh mushrooms, the Israeli-Azerbaijani arms trade is flourishing, and in this case Netanyahu’s government is being chiefly guided by economic benefits, with political calculations, or rather miscalculations, in second place after those. It should be pointed out that at present the Israeli economy is experiencing great difficulties due to the pandemic...

17.03.2019 Martin Berger

In early March, Washington sent a new ambassador to Azerbaijan that was appointed by the sitting US president Donald Trump personally. As it's been revealed by a number of media sources, Earle Litzenberger is a career member of the US State department that used to occupy the position...

01.10.2018 Gordon Duff

On September 28, 2018 Russia’s Pravda news outlet published a story titled; “Putin in Azerbaijan: Israel will have to leave Moscow’s Sphere of Influence.” The story itself was sketchy on details of the exchange. “Russian President Vladimir Putin came to Baku to...

06.04.2016 Stanislav Ivanov

The breakdown of Turkey’s aggressive plans directed against Syria, Ankara’s fault in the strong aggravation of the Russian-Turkish relations, the complication of Turkey’s domestic security issues and its...

05.11.2014 Eric Draitser

There is a perception among political observers who monitor the Caspian region that Azerbaijan is a staunch ally of the West, that its military and intelligence cooperation with the West, coupled with its reliance on Western...