11.03.2018 Dmitry Bokarev

It’s a well-established fact that when two states are determined engage in defense and security cooperation in a bilateral format, they must enjoy sound relations before even thinking about such an undertaking. The Socialist Republic of...

10.03.2018 Caleb Maupin

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is set to host a US aircraft carrier from the pacific fleet. The USS Carl Vinson will be docked in Vietnam, and this will send a clear message of hostility from Vietnam to the People’s Republic of China.  The South...

25.02.2018 Dmitry Bokarev

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam was at one time one of the poorest countries in Asia. But, as a result of the transformation that the country has undergone in the last few decades, many are now of the opinion that it deserves to be considered as one of the ‘Asian tigers’ – a designation that traditionally refers to Hong Kong...

27.11.2017 Tony Cartalucci

Western think tanks have been increasingly busy cultivating a narrative to explain the sudden and spreading presence of militants linked or fighting under the banner of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" (ISIS across Southeast Asia. This narrative - these think tanks would...

14.12.2016 Andre Vltchek

Some fifteen years ago, when I lived in Hanoi, I used to come very often to the rooftop bar at the Meritus Hotel for an evening drink, just to feel gentle breeze and to spot ancient cargo boats majestically sailing on the surface...

30.05.2016 Vladimir Terehov

Last Monday, May 23, US President Barack Obama set off on his five-day trip to Asia, the tenth trip to this region in his eight-year presidency. He spent the first three days in Vietnam. The agenda of the second part of the trip consisted of...

23.01.2016 Dmitry Mosyakov

The upcoming Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam may become an important milestone in the Vietnam's modern history. It is becoming increasingly clear that the so-called policy of renovation (Doi Moi in Vietnamese or, in other words...

26.12.2015 Dmitry Bokarev

In mid-December 2015, the First Deputy Chairperson of the Russian Government Igor Shuvalov visited Vietnam. The Russian Vice Prime Minister met the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Truong Tan Sang, Vice Prime Minister Hoang Chung Hay...

18.11.2015 Vladimir Terehov

From 5 to 8 November President of PRC, Xi Jinping, made a visit to Vietnam and Singapore - two important countries in the Southeast Asia. His trip took place against the backdrop of a rather visible reinforcement of US military presence in the subregion - the main...

03.01.2015 Tony Cartalucci

Washington's meddling across Asia has grabbed headlines recently in Hong Kong where US National Endowment for Democracy (NED funded opposition leaders attempted to trigger a "color revolution" targeting the government of Beijing and Hong Kong's local administrators...

24.11.2014 Dmitry Mosyakov

Today Russian-Vietnamese relations are developing in a complex political environment both for Russia and for the Asia-Pacific region. However, for Moscow, against the background of sanctions imposed by the West, the eastern direction...

05.11.2014 Dmitry Mosyakov

The media publishes a lot of different information about the economic development of China, but in the East there are many countries with which Russia (and others would be able to interestingly and profitably develop cooperation in the coming years...