30.07.2020 Andre Vltchek

When I used to grow up in a socialist Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, we were told that even if one single human life was endangered, the entire country had to stop and fight for his or her survival. That is how we were raised. That was our culture, or call it the foundation of our worldview. I remember, once there was an explosion...

08.07.2020 Andre Vltchek

Some twenty years ago, when I moved to Hanoi, the city was bleak, grey, covered by smog. The war had ended, but terrible scars remained. I brought my 4WD from Chile, and insisted on driving it myself. It was one of the first SUVs in the city. Each time I drove it, it was hit by scooters, which flew like projectiles all over the wide avenues of the capital. Hanoi was beautiful...

08.07.2020 Dmitry Mosyakov

“We see that, with the changing world order, the rivalry between the current centers of power continues to intensify and so does the battle for leadership in the future.  Unfortunately, the threat posed by the novel Coronavirus has not reduced these geopolitical tensions, exacerbating them instead. We would like to reiterate that that, from our point...

18.01.2020 Dmitry Bokarev

Vietnam is one of Russia’s oldest and most reliable partners in Asia. Friendly relations were established back in the years of the Indochina Wars of the 1950s-1970s. At that time, the Soviet Union helped Vietnamese Communists to first get rid of the French colonialists, then to defeat the Western-ruled South Vietnam...

03.10.2019 Joseph Thomas

In yet another sign of waning Western hegemony, the Southeast Asian state of Vietnam has begun the long-overdue process of reclaiming its information space from US tech giants like Facebook, Twitter and Google. Reuters in its article, "Facebook-style app launches in Vietnam amid...

15.05.2019 Dmitry Bokarev

It is well known that China, the United States, Russia, Japan, Australia, South Korea and Singapore are considered to be the most active players in the Asia-Pacific (APAC region. Other nations as, for instance, member-states of the European Union, are rarely mentioned in news...

03.05.2019 Jim Dean

The ghost of the Vietnam War continues to haunt those Americans still alive who fought in it. Gordon Duff fears he may be the last of his two squads still alive, a lonely honor, or dishonor depending on how one looks at it. This is not a cheap shot at the Vets. They had no say...

26.03.2019 Caleb Maupin

While free market countries across the developing world remain deeply impoverished, China and Viet Nam have both seen impressive increases in living standards during the past several decades. Public voices in the western world give all credit for this to “liberalization,” but...

25.10.2018 Martin Berger

More than half a century ago, at the height of Vietnam war US intelligence agencies were demanded to put an end to the partisan movement supporting the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam. This resulted in the so-called Phoenix Program being launched which, according...

29.07.2018 Konstantin Asmolov

South Korean statements about “comfort women” leave the author with an impression that only someone without similar skeletons in their closet has the right to voice such demands and harsh criticism. Otherwise these heartfelt declarations appear to exemplify duplicity or unscrupulous...

16.03.2018 Dmitry Mosyakov

An outstanding event took place recently in the conflict around the South China Sea. The US aircraft carrier Carl Vinson moored in the Vietnamese port Cam Ranh. The Americans obviously took a triumph lap in this event - once again after the sadly remembered Vietnamese War and...

13.03.2018 Dmitry Bokarev

It is no secret that Vietnam is Russia’s key partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN. The two countries are linked by their long-standing, stable and friendly relations. Vietnam is also one of the most successful and influential members of ASEAN. Taken...