25.06.2024 Nguyen Kien Van

Malaysia only recognizes sanctions imposed by the United Nations and not by any individual country, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution says…

28.11.2022 Brian Berletic

Elections in Southeast Asia’s Malaysia resulted in a political impasse requiring the nation’s constitutional monarchy to intervene, announcing Anwar Ibrahim prime minister. The elections unfolded shortly after the G20 meeting held in nearby Indonesia and the APEC 2022 forum held in Thailand. Taken together, we see both...

09.12.2020 Petr Konovalov

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI is one of the largest in scale infrastructure projects in our history, which was proposed by the PRC as far back as 2013. Its main aim is to link via roads, railways, deep water ports, wharfs and industrial zones all 5 continents and approximately 130 of the world’s nations, which, on becoming a part...

02.09.2018 Tony Cartalucci
The Washington Post has now repeatedly used its platform to systematically cover up extensive US political interference across Southeast Asia. Last month, the Washington Post attempted to deny US interference in Cambodia. Its article - however - did more to reveal…
27.08.2018 Vladimir Terehov

New Eastern Outlook has already reported on the notable political event: the parliamentary elections that took place in Malaysia, in South East Asia (SEA on May 9 before. They resulted in the victory by the opposition, the Alliance of Hope, and the return to power of its leader...

20.07.2018 Joseph Thomas

The Diplomat, which claims to be "the premier international current-affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region," has recently published a piece granting credit for Malaysia's recent general election results to what it calls, "everyday activists."The article is in fact titled, "The Everyday Activists Behind...

24.06.2018 Vladimir Terehov

Annual Shangri La-Dialogues, held in Singapore under the auspices of London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies, are the focus of New Eastern Outlook’s (NEO steadfast attention, with their scheduled 17th round taking place on 1-3 June this year. It is one of the most...

17.05.2018 Tony Cartalucci

After now 2 years of accusations and constant headlines regarding allegations of still unproven "Russian influence" in the 2016 US presidential election, it is difficult to imagine that real political meddling or election interference anywhere around the globe could go unnoticed. This is especially true regarding the Western corporate media who has...

29.09.2017 Andre Vltchek

The headlines of virtually all the Malaysian newspapers have been screaming loudly and euphorically, since the ‘historic visit’ of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to the US, where he met President Donald Trump. They were ‘celebrating...

24.11.2016 Tony Cartalucci

Malaysia finds itself weathering yet another foreign-backed color revolution, with the color of choice being the "yellow shirts" of Bersih supporters. Bersih was created by the United States government and the political alliance of...

31.05.2016 James ONeill

The Sun Herald (Sydney of 22 May 2016 reported that the Australian families of the MH17 disaster had “served” the European court of Human Rights (ECHR with a claim seeking compensation of $10 million for each victim. The report...

19.03.2016 James ONeill

When Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014, Australian politicians and the mainstream media, especially the Murdoch newspapers, were quick to apportion blame. Responsibility for the disaster was...