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The “Cartoon” Incident in Sino-Australian Relations

The reason for the latest scandal in Sino-Australian relations was when an official representative from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted a cartoon on Twitter about, to put it mildly, the “serious costs” incurred by the “limited contingent” of Australian armed forces during their stay in Afghanistan. Throughout this period, which can be counted as starting in November...

Vladimir Terehov

Australia Faces New Challenges in its Relationship With China

The relationship between Australia and China has deteriorated markedly over recent months. Each side is blaming the other for the deterioration, and amid the flurry of frankly anti-China propaganda emerging from most of the major Australian news outlets it is difficult to establish what went wrong and who precisely is to blame. It is possible however...

James ONeill

Australia and France in the Pacific Ocean

France is a major player in Oceania, a place where Australia, which has a leading position in this vast region of the South Pacific, has historically developed solid, neighborly relations. From the middle of the XVIII century to the present, France has owned New Caledonia (with the world's fourth largest nickel reserves and a French military base, Wallis and Futuna...

Sofia Pale