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Washington is escalating military tensions in the Asia-Pacific region

Congressmen from the United States are provoking Beijing and making serious preparations for a military conflict with China over Taiwan. Florida’s Republican Senator Mark Rubio introduced ‘The Deterring Chinese Preemptive Strikes Act’ to Congress in the first week of May to fortify American military bases in the Pacific against potential missile assaults from Beijing. The text of the document was published on May 11 on the website of the congressman, who, citing data from analysts, predicts that in anticipation of a potential military invasion of Taiwan, China will attempt to strike…

Bakhtiar Urusov

"First Daughter" or a new trend of DPRK propaganda?

After mentioning the daughter of the DPRK leader at a military parade and other events marking the 75th anniversary of the Korean People's Army on February 8, 2023, the author was asked to explain whether the reasoning of some experts that the girl had already been appointed Kim Jong-un's successor was correct. Recall that on February 8, before the start of the parade, Kim Jong-un and his daughter walked side by side: the father held his daughter's hand, while the girl's mother kept a few steps behind...

Konstantin Asmolov

The West Papua independence movement is making itself heard

On February 8, 2023 a plane belonging to the Indonesian airline Susi Air landed in the mountainous province of Papua Pegunungan, which is located in the Indonesian part of the New Guinea island. Soon, the six passengers of the plane and its pilot, New Zealander Philip Mertens, were taken hostage by members of the militant...

Petr Konovalov