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Tokelau’s Interests amid Struggle between Global Powers

Tokelau is a dependent territory of New Zealand comprised of three tropical coral atolls, or ring-shaped islands, situated about halfway between New Zealand and Hawaii. The islands only have a population of about 1,500 people. The nationals of Tokelau are called Tokelauans, most of whom are ethnic Polynesians and speak their own language, Tokelauan...

Sofia Pale

Why would Australia Want to Worsen its Relationship with China?

The following explanation framed as a question could be added to the headline of this article to make it even more informative: “Why would a prosperous country, which has managed to stay above the fray during global political squabbles and to handle the current COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc worldwide much better than other...

Vladimir Terehov

Australia and How the Corona Crisis Raises Wider Geopolitical Issues

The coronavirus pandemic that is currently causing enormous social and economic disruption is curious for a number of reasons. The first controversy is the actual location of the beginning of the virus. It should not be a matter of controversy, much less the outrageous allegations that have been made. Those allegations, naming China as the...

James ONeill