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Turkey Caught Red Handed Planning “False Flag in Syria”. But Whose Hands?

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has attracted much criticism for his Twitter and Youtube ban, but it is only the tip of the iceberg. These apparent stunts to keep himself in power are unlikely to kill anyone, but plenty of...

Seth Ferris

Scandal In Turkey - Who Is Behind the Erdogan Leaks?

In the run-up to the March 30 elect- ions many scandals were pub- licly leaked in  Turkey indicating criminal activity by Mr. Erdogan, his ministers and their families.  Clearly, Mr. Erdogan's government has a serious security problem...

Gwenyth Todd

Crisis in Ukraine – Why Turkey is in no hurry to impose anti-Russian Sanctions

Turkey, being a Black Sea state and a member of NATO, is closely monitoring the developing crisis in Ukraine, because its results will have significant geopolitical consequences for the country. The economic and diplomatic relations...

Alexander Rogozhin