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Lost Helicopter: Turkey's War Against the Kurds Will Soon Have a Different Target

Imagine you are working as press officer for the Turkish Ministry of Defence or Foreign Affairs. How do you deal with the recent shooting down of the helicopter? According to Russian information sources Ankara has...

Seth Ferris

It’s Official! Turkey is Abetting ISIS in Syria

Apparently, the root of troubles that the common people of Turkey are facing goes much deeper than Erdogan’s ambition to constitutionally hijack Turkey’s political system by introducing presidential form of government. Turkey’s incumbent...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Is Nationalization of the Biggest Private Turkish Bank a Reality?

Recently, President Erdogan's inner circles have intensified attacks on Isbank, the biggest private Turkish bank, and the pressure has only been increasing. Established in 1924 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey...

Alexander Rogozhin