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Turkey and Central Asia

Today the burning problem for states in Central Asia is the presence of external interests. Earlier, this influence was considered in the region of China and the European Union. Turkey has been longing to become another, though no less important external regional player for...

Vladimir Odintsov

Vying with Kurds: Turkey Opens a New Front in Syria

The new cease-fire deal reached between the US and Russia on the sidelines of G-20 summit has rightly been declared an important step towards peace as the self-styled Islamic State is only inches from being routed from the Syrian...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Time to “Slow-down-but-hurry-up” in Understanding Turkish Regional Agenda

Moscow is confused, the US is confused – everybody seems to be when it comes to Turkey, who is with whom and what its next move will be. Anything you write about Turkey...

Henry Kamens