05.01.2024 Madi Khalis Maalouf

Tunisia has recently experienced some escalation of the internal political crisis caused by the activities of President K. Saied aimed at strengthening his authoritarian regime and the accumulation in this regard of contradictions between the presidential administration and the country’s military leaders, which traditionally enjoys strong authority among the country’s population. As a fundamental step towards strengthening his political positions, K. Saied amended the country’s Constitution that would expand his powers and allow the president to limit the authority of other…

04.07.2023 Veniamin Popov

Tunisia is a nice little Arab Mediterranean country located in the very north of Africa (I know this well, for I was the Russian ambassador to Tunisia in the late twentieth century). Except for considerable phosphate reserves, there are hardly any minerals. Since gaining its independence in 1956, Tunisia has placed a strong emphasis on luring tourists, building a vast network of hotels of all calibers and capitalizing on its advantageous geographic location, specifically the warm gentle sea. The country’s rulers placed particular emphasis on the development of its education system…

11.04.2022 Vladimir Danilov

As you know, it was with the “Jasmine Revolution” in Tunisia in 2010-2011 that a wave of protests began throughout the Arab world, whose consequences are still being felt by a number of countries. And against this background, Tunisia became the first “new democracy.” The Ennahda that came to power as a result, closely linked to the international Muslim...

22.08.2021 Yuriy Zinin

After its president, Kais Saied, ousted the prime minister, dissolved parliament for a month, and stripped deputies of their immunity, the situation in Tunisia remains a top story in the media landscape of the country and the region. These decisions were announced against the backdrop of public protests on July 25, as the population at large remains dissatisfied...

09.08.2021 Vladimir Danilov

The recent actions of Tunisian President Kais Saied have grabbed the world's attention and can only be compared with the Arab Spring, the cradle of which the North African country was ten years ago. The nonpartisan president Kais Saied, elected in 2019, showed a personal responsibility in the need to curb corruption and the political demagoguery of parliament...

27.07.2021 Vladimir Danilov

Ten years after the outbreak of the Arab Spring in the Middle East, Tunisia, its cradle, has once again plunged into a wave of protest, the cause of which was the same problems unresolved by the "revolutionaries": primarily in the socio-economic field, the fight against unemployment, mainly affecting young people, the dominance of corruption...

26.03.2021 Vladimir Danilov

Tunisian President Kais Saied visited Libya on March 17 after the constitutional oath of office of the transitional Government of National Unity, becoming the first foreign politician to meet personally with the new Libyan Prime Minister Abdulhamid Dbeibeh after the vote of confidence in the interim cabinet. The main point of the visit was the talks of Kais Saied with...

01.02.2021 Vladimir Danilov

Ten years after the beginning of the "Arab spring" that swept the Greater Middle East, Tunisia - the birthplace of that - yet again led a wave of protests caused by the same problems that remained unresolved by its "revolutionaries", primarily concerning the socioeconomic sphere and the fight against unemployment, which particularly affects young people...

22.07.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Tunisia is popular tourist destination in North Africa, a cultural melting pot, with Roman, Arab, and Western cultural influences and European progressiveness. However, Tunisia’s attractiveness as a holiday destination has not been the only reason why the country has been in the news over the past decade. Tunisia was where the wave of color...

02.12.2019 Veniamin Popov

A new Tunisian government had essentially been formed by mid-November 2019, and Tunisians have high hopes for it. In October, former professor of law Kais Saied won the presidential election with a landslide victory. The incumbent President was born in 1958 and served as Secretary-General of the Tunisian Association of Constitutional Law. President...

02.09.2019 Yuriy Zinin

In the run-up to September 15, when the country will go to the polls, the Tunisian presidential election campaign has been marked by the large number of candidates (26 running for presidency and the intense rivalry between them. This is the second multi-party presidential election...

02.02.2018 Vladimir Mashin

The so-called Arab Spring, which began with the string of revolutionary events in Tunisia has now officially ended. It ended last month with Tunisia getting swept by a wave of new demonstrations, with thousands of people taking to the streets...