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Saudi Arabia

The War in Yemen May Bring Major Changes to Saudi Politics

The recent escalation of the war in Yemen is coupled with a growing US distancing from the Saudis, which signals that the winds might be fundamentally shifting in Yemen to the ultimate disadvantage of Riyadh. Over the past month, the Houthis rebels have really upped the ante with their attacks inside Saudia Arabia that targeted airports, oil facilities and military...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Yemen in its Fight against Saudi Aggressors

The Spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the forces targeted the Saudi soil with 15 UAVs and a ballistic missile on the last day of February. In a press conference, Saree provided details about the Yemeni Armed Forces’ attack on Saudi soil - “Fifth Operation of Balanced Deterrence”:  “Sensitive positions and places in Riyadh...

Viktor Mikhin

Saudi Arabian-American Information Storm

It appears that another scandal is brewing between Washington and Riyadh in which President Joe Biden wants to demonstrate his superiority over Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud. The fact is that in late February, the US National Intelligence Agency published a report claiming that the operation, which resulted in the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi...

Viktor Mikhin