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Saudi Arabia

Women in the Saudi Military

The situation of women in the Arab world may seem very difficult to many people and is almost the same throughout the region. But in fact, Arab countries are distinctly different, and many of them have changed significantly in recent times, including women’s status. There are Arab countries where the situation of women was very vulnerable throughout the 20th century, such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait...

Vladimir Platov

Saudi Arabia Taking Small Steps to Improve its Relations With Its Neighbours

One of the least noted political movements of recent times has been the gradual reconciliation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. They recently held their fourth meeting this year in Baghdad, to almost no mention in the western media. It is only one of several movements by Saudi Arabia to gradually moving away from the United States’ orbit...

James ONeill

Washington’s Rift with Riyadh Grows Deeper

With Joe Biden’s arrival in the White House, several irritants have once again come to the forefront in US-Saudi Arabia relations. The Saudis are unhappy with President Biden’s intention to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in relations with Iran, as well as the US refusal to see the Houthi movement in Yemen as a “terrorist organization...

Vladimir Danilov