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Saudi Arabia

US Forsakes Gay Saudi Diplomat: A Story of Western Hypocrisy

While human right crusades are dominated by headlines involving the "homophobic" Russian government and tales of homosexuals being strung up across Iran, there is a larger...

Tony Cartalucci

White House is killing Muslims from the Holy Land of Islam

After the political changes that occurred in the 1990s and the collapse of the socialist camp, the White House has been striving to create a unipolar world and impose its own vision of the world order, disregarding not only the norms of international law, but human values, as well...

Vladimir Odintsov

Saudi Arabia: cosmetic measures or a change of course?

The beginning of 2014 for Saudi Arabia, according to most experts, will be primarily remembered for major changes in the country’s foreign policy. Perhaps for the first time in the history of the state’s existence, the king and his entourage...

Viktor Mikhin