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Saudi Arabia

The Past and Future of the Al Saud Dynasty Part 1

“That which has been is what will be, and that which has been done is what will be done, as there is nothing new under the sun. Nothing happens to which it can be said, “Look, that is new”. It has already been in the centuries that preceded us” So it is written in the book...

Pogos Anastasov

Saudi Arabia at the “Vanguard” of the Struggle for Human Rights

There is very unusual and interesting news coming out of the far distant Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Local authorities have taken upon themselves to join the race in the observance of human rights in criticizing...

Viktor Mikhin

The Persian Gulf: Who is turning the region into a powder-keg?

Saudi Arabia’s Defense Minister has called on the Arab Gulf countries to strengthen military cooperation with the United States. Prince Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud made this statement in mid-May before talks...

Viktor Mikhin