Saudi Arabia
13.04.2023 Viktor Mikhin
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia, led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, who is effectively the kingdom’s leader due to his father the king’s late age, has pursued a strong foreign policy, both regionally and globally. China arranged an agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, easing long-standing tensions between…

30.03.2023 Valery Kulikov
Саудовская Аравия

Since the activization of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s position and activities, the Saudi authorities’ resolve to make significant changes in the Kingdom’s foreign policy and image has been particularly strongly disputed. Back in 2017, he predicted that the world would eventually transit to alternate energy sources everywhere, rendering gas and oil…

23.12.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Saudi Arabia in early December received widespread acclaim and highly positive publicity in numerous countries around the world. First and foremost, it was a successful state reception in Riyadh, the likes of which have not been organized for any statesman from the West, not to mention the hostile meeting with US President Joe Biden...

14.12.2022 Alexandra Zueva

South Korea and Saudi Arabia have had diplomatic relations for more than 60 years, but since 2015, when Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman became actively involved in state affairs, relations between the two countries have received a new impetus for cooperation, expanding from the traditional sectors of oil trading and construction...

22.11.2022 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Whereas China and Russia do already have an agenda of a new, multipolar world order, they are far from the only players. While undoubtedly the most important ones, both are not only allied with each other, they are forming alliances with countries that were previously squarely placed in the US camp. Among the countries willing to turn their normal trade...

17.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

The White House’s recent policies in the Middle East show that the United States is increasingly losing ground in the region every day. The recent visit of US President Joe Biden to Saudi Arabia was undeniable proof of this. In fact, this is happening to the US not only in the Middle East, but everywhere. And it is the failed policies of the US, as well as the current US political, military...

12.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

Due to the US administration’s policy of continuous borrowing, including to finance the armed conflict in Ukraine, amid record inflation and fears of an impending recession, public debt exceeded $31 trillion for the first time. The Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, but tighter lending policies are causing the federal government to spend $500 billion on servicing...

03.10.2022 Viktor Mikhin

On September 23, Saudis solemnly and widely celebrated their National Day to commemorate the reunification of their country 90 years ago.  From the liberation of Riyadh in 1902 until unity was proclaimed in 1932, King Abdul Aziz Al Saud managed to unite his kingdom, transforming over a dozen separate and feuding principalities, emirates and sheikhdoms...

16.08.2022 Viktor Mikhin

In the Arab world, the old balance of power has rapidly changed according to the famous proverb “all things are in flux”, and Saudi Arabia with its architect Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS) is increasingly coming to the fore. The Crown Prince is determined to lead and transform the entire Arab world in the period of the current rapidly changing environment...

10.08.2022 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Despite the US President Joe Biden’s decision to embrace Saudia’s Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman (M.B.S.) for a larger cause of salvaging the struggling European and US economies, the Kingdom is unlikely to embrace Washington’s geopolitics against Russia. This fact flies in the face of many assessments...

02.08.2022 Viktor Mikhin

The failure of US president Joe Biden’s trip to the Middle East and the inability of his administration to make any real contribution to solving the problems currently faced by the region have set in motion new processes in the Arab world and heightened their determination to organize their mutual relations as they best see fit. Perhaps the most striking example...

30.07.2022 Valery Kulikov

Developments in recent months clearly show that Saudi Arabia is steadily moving beyond being only a religious Mecca, becoming more and more also a center of political and innovative global gravity. This is not only evidenced by the attempt by Washington, which is losing more and more of its hegemonic position every day, to secure Riyadh’s support during Joe Biden’s recent visit. But also the race...