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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia – Russia: a New Alliance?

"Everything was in confusion in the Oblonskys' house". Such is the beginning of "Anna Karenina" - a novel by the great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy that comes to mind of everyone who follows the latest world news. Indeed, all was mixed up on the global arena, where...

Viktor Mikhin

Mohammed Bin Salman’s Visit to Russia: View from the Region

The recent visit to Russia by the successor to the Crown Prince, Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia, Muhammad bin Salman, the son of the reigning King Salman, invoked a torrent of responses in the media and public circles of the kingdom...

Yuriy Zinin

Saudi Arabia’s War on Yemen Comes Home

When Saudi Arabia launched its war against Yemen in March 2015, it presumed that a short, quick, and clean air war would be enough to degrade the alliance of Houthi forces and those loyal to former President Saleh, thereby giving the Saudi-backed government of...

Eric Draitser