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Saudi Arabia

US-Saudi Arabia Standoff Destroys Yemen As First Stage of Blame Game

Many thing are now happening which cannot be explained by conventional wisdom and the knowledge we have from conventional sources. One is what is happening between the US and Saudi Arabia. There is...

Seth Ferris

How NATO-linked Think Tanks Control EU Refugee Policy

A flood of uncontrolled war refugees from Syria, Libya, Tunisia and other Islamic countries destabilized by Washington's 'Arab Spring' Color Revolutions, has created the greatest social dislocation across the EU from...

F. William Engdahl

Obama Went On a Mending Mission to Saudi Arabia

Barak Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia has happened at a time when political friction between the two states has reached a point where both have started to ‘threaten’ each other—hence, the need for bringing their ties back to ‘normal.’ While...

Salman Rafi Sheikh