25.06.2014 Viktor Mikhin

Many experts are increasingly talking about the beginning of a third world war, which given the current environment, it is referred to as gas war. And to this they refer to the failure of the three-party talks between Kiev-Moscow-Brussels on the transition of Ukraine...

13.03.2014 Tony Cartalucci
The sudden shift in Qatar's standings in the Middle East has left much of the world perplexed, suspicious, and skeptical. Others are hopeful that it indicates a fraying in an axis that has been sowing violence and destabilization across much of North Africa...
10.03.2014 Maxim Egorov

The scandal, which started on March 5, after the withdrawal of Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain ambassadors from Qatar, is continuing to gain steam. The media of Saudi Arabia, which was the instigator of this campaign, published a whole...

10.03.2014 Alexander Orlov

It would seem that Qatar has learned its lesson after a forced change of emir Sheikh Hamad initiated by Riyadh in June 2013,  along with Prime Minister Hamad ben Jassem and the better part of other Qatari Ministers. This step, taken by Saudi Arabia...

11.10.2013 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Change in the leadership of Qatar has been followed by certain significant geo-political changes not only in Qatar, but also in the Middle East and beyond, leading to a relationship of ‘near-confrontation’ between Qatar and Saudia on the one hand, and Qatar and the US on the other...

15.07.2013 Valeriy Maleev
Once again we find ourselves witnessing a hypocritical policy of the United States. Against the backdrop of Washington’s desire to arrange negotiations between the Taliban and the authorities in Kabul, the United States actively drive a wedge between the warring…
04.07.2013 Viktor Titov
The changes predicted by your humble narrator a month ago in the article “Preparing for a Change of Government in Qatar” has finally took place. The shift of power in Qatar, at least the official part of it, is finished.…
03.06.2013 Viktor Titov
Qatari Emir Hamad is seriously ill and having difficulty performing his duties as head of state. A liposuction operation in May 2011 reduced his weight by 40 kilograms and damaged his already bad health. The Emir is suffering from a…
23.05.2013 Alexander Orlov
A recent statement by Syria’s Information Minister that Qatar is violating all of the UN Security Council’s resolutions on fighting terrorism is being suppressed in the West. The United States and its allies are keeping silent because Doha is providing…
02.04.2013 Petr Lvov
Qatar recently announced that it plans to compete with Russia in Southern Europe’s natural gas market. Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim acknowledged that on April 1 at the Brookings Doha Energy Forum, where he spoke of…
29.03.2013 Petr Lvov
The recent Arab League summit, which illegally decided to provide military aid to the Syrian opposition under pressure from Doha, has once again demonstrated that there is a new power balance in the Arab world where the traditionally powerful countries…
02.11.2012 Vitaly Bilan
A visit by the “big backer” Something happened on October 23 that could have a significant impact on further developments in the inter-Palestinian dialogue, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the geopolitical environment throughout the Middle East. That was the day a…