17.06.2020 Viktor Mikhin

Inexplicable Arab sanctions against Qatar are now in their fourth year. At the present time, only Saudi Arabia and its satellites - Egypt, Bahrain, and the UAE - maintain the embargo, and accuse Doha of some types of sins that those countries themselves don’t understand. At the same time, during all three years, the Emirate has constantly declared its readiness to cooperate...

12.05.2020 Viktor Mikhin

The COVID-19 pandemic currently ravaging most of the world’s nations has surely placed ensuring global unity (without which it will be impossible to win against this evil quickly enough and with more or less no grave consequences in the fight against the virus on the planet’s agenda. Many politicians and experts believe that the current situation worldwide will only...

12.12.2019 Viktor Mikhin

“Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy,” said the mastermind of Western ideology back in the day, Sir Winston...

04.11.2019 Andre Vltchek

There seems to be no limit to Qataris tossing around their wealth. This tiny kingdom with 2.6 million inhabitants is full of ridiculously lavish gold-plated palaces, most of them built with terrible taste. It is overflowing with Lamborghini racing cars and Rolls Royce limousines, and now, even with ludicrously wasteful air-conditioned sidewalks (cold air blows from below, into the 35C heat...

23.07.2019 Viktor Mikhin

The recent visit of the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to the United States and the contracts and agreements signed there allow one to assess, more or less accurately, the present situation in the US-Qatar relations and policy of Washington in the Persian Gulf region. First of all, Qatar is undoubtedly primarily...

26.09.2018 Viktor Mikhin

In the midst of unjust and severe sanctions from a number of Arab States led by Saudi Arabia, the small Emirate of Qatar under the wise rule of its Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani manages to not only successfully overcome all difficulties, but also even achieve new...

11.08.2018 Viktor Mikhin

The online news publication The Intercept referred to their sources in diplomatic circles in its reports that Arabic countries lobbied to have Rex Tillerson removed from his post as the US Secretary of State because they were not happy with his work. According to information leaked...

06.10.2017 Viktor Mikhin

More than 100 days of conflict around Qatar have passed and, as they say, it is now there. All the efforts of a number of countries to resolve the conflict peacefully by means of negotiations between the parties concerned have not yet...

12.09.2017 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Some recent development have shown in unequivocal terms that the Gulf crisis is far from a negotiated end; rather the geo-political fault-lines it has caused seem to have hardened into new regional configuration. That mutual...

10.06.2017 Salman Rafi Sheikh

The diplomatic spate, engulfing the Gulf States, have left wide open cracks in the otherwise all-Sunni house, led by Saudi Arabia. It appears that the Islamic Military Alliance (IMA has set Qatar...

09.06.2017 Viktor Mikhin

The Persian Gulf region continues to surprise and keep the entire world community on its toes. Yet again, a dangerous tension in relations between a number of countries and Qatar has developed. Six Arab countries, namely Yemen...

26.08.2016 Viktor Mikhin

In the circumstances when oil prices are dropping, some countries, including Russia, Iran and Qatar, are staking on gas in an attempt to balance their budgets. But if Russia supplies natural...