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Gaza Confrontation: Arab Media Coverage

The conflict between Israel and Hamas, which has been going on since October 7, 2023, has had significant impact in the Middle East media due to the missile and bomb strikes. There is a conflict between two hostile rivals in the local broadcast media regarding the reporting, analysis, and assessment of events occurring in the political and military sectors. The use of hard propaganda techniques and vocabulary to discredit each other is used by the two sides…

Yuriy Zinin

The first results of the war in Gaza

The Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 of this year stunned the leadership of Tel Aviv, the feeling of confusion was also transmitted to the americans, who hurried to send two aircraft carrier groups and a large number of weapons to the Eastern Mediterranean. Russia, like many other states, condemned the killing of civilians in Israel, at the same time, Moscow opposed the carnage unleashed by the Israeli army in Gaza. The American magazine “Foreign Affairs” noted that the Hamas attack undermined Israel’s sense of security and humiliated its intelligence and security apparatus…

Veniamin Popov

Is there a solution to the Palestinian issue after the Gaza war?

Israel’s principal objective in its war against the Gaza Strip continues to be to destroy and uproot Palestinian residents and annex Palestinian territory under the pretense of defeating Hamas, as the Israeli leadership has stated time and time again. As such, the Arab world faces a difficult choice regarding post-war arrangements. Arab leaders were expected to firmly state their stance against Israel’s horrific war of aggression against Gaza and a threat of igniting a wider regional catastrophe at the one-day meeting in the Saudi capital of Riyadh. The Palestinian Authority (PA) organized the Arab summit…

Viktor Mikhin