17.05.2024 Vladimir Mashin

For seven months, Israel has continued its targeted slaughter of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip – the total number of dead and wounded, including those still under the rubble of homes, is approaching 130,000. Prime Minister Netanyahu continues this slaughter with Washington’s blessing, although outwardly the Americans say that they are trying to put pressure on the Israeli authorities to somehow help the Palestinian civilians…

11.05.2024 Veniamin Popov

Palestinian President M. Abbas announced the other day that he was reviewing relations with the U.S., given Washington’s veto of a Security Council Resolution that would have recommended granting Palestine full UN membership. It has become obvious to many that the Americans have never taken into account the interests of the Palestinian people when developing their policies. In fact, the goal of the American strategy has been to strengthen Israel. An ever-greater number of countries are abandoning the American military presence: recently, the authorities of the African state of Niger achieved the withdrawal of American troops from that country…

30.04.2024 Vladimir Mashin

On 18 April, the US vetoed a draft resolution prepared by Algeria proposing to grant full UN membership to the state of Palestine, effectively blocking a Security Council decision to recognise Palestine as a state. Twelve of the fifteen Council members – Slovenia, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Mozambique, Malta, Japan, Guyana, Ecuador, Algeria, as well as Russia, China and France – voted in favour of the resolution, while the UK and Switzerland abstained (Palestine has had observer status at the UN since 2012). The US representative, speaking at the meeting, argued that Palestine’s full membership in the UN “is a decision to be negotiated between Israel and the Palestinians”.

27.04.2024 Madi Khalis Maalouf

In early April 2024, Cairo hosted another round of ceasefire negotiations in the Gaza Strip. However, observers note a lack of meaningful progress between the parties. The point is that the determined Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is unwilling to make concessions on the release of Palestinian hostages before the ceasefire, seeing such a scenario as a defeat for Tel Aviv at the hands of Hamas. The Palestinians, on the other hand, have a diametrically opposed view. Despite the hopes of the mediators, represented by Egypt, Qatar and the United States, that there would be space between the positions of the opposing sides, no consensus has been reached

11.04.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israel is continuing its military operations in the Gaza Strip, where the focus of a devastating war is shifting to the southern town of Rafah, threatening a massive catastrophe for the more than one million Palestinian refugees who have flocked to the borders with Egypt in the hope of humanitarian aid and rescue. Tel Aviv, represented by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the heads of the security services, has repeatedly declared the readiness of the defence forces to launch an operation. Each time, however, Israel has paused and limited itself to targeted military action in this direction.

08.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The incessant waves of the brutal and ruthless Israeli war, or rather the Palestinian massacre in the Gaza Strip, now in its sixth month, have finally reached Washington. It happened in Congress in an event that took many by surprise and deepened the rift between the two major political parties. It is well known that the Congress has been one of Israel’s main bulwarks for decades, providing political support for Israeli policy on many fronts…

04.04.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Tasnim News Agency (Iran) reported that some 5,000 US troops have been involved in the ground operation since Israel invaded Gaza, causing death and destruction at every turn. The news agency also reported that the US military command has virtually taken control of the situation in the Israeli army, as the military has suffered a crushing defeat in Operation Al-Aqsa Storm and Israeli leaders have lost confidence in the leadership abilities and loyalty of a number of soldiers…

16.03.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Israel’s imminent attack on Rafah and the full support of the US in this beating of Palestinians is an appalling and unacceptable situation that requires the immediate attention of the entire world community. In the conflict between Israel and Palestine, such barbaric acts of violence only exacerbate tensions and divide the peoples. Instead of destroying the fundamental rights and dignity of the Palestinian people, the world must seek a just and peaceful solution to this deep-rooted conflict. Israel and Palestine must find a compromise and stop attacking…

21.02.2024 Veniamin Popov

Israel’s war against the Palestinians in Gaza has been going on for five months. The majority condemned the actions of the Israeli authorities, as evidenced by the UNGA resolution of December 2023, according to which 153 countries were in favour of a ceasefire, as well as the decision of the International Criminal Court, which in fact considered these actions as genocide. To date, this terrible war has caused the death of 100 thousand people, more than one third of the houses have been destroyed, almost 1.5 million people are on the verge of starvation – all this causes outrage of the world community…

13.02.2024 Veniamin Popov

The genocide perpetrated by Israel in Gaza against Palestinians under US patronage has had an enormous impact on developing countries. Four months of Israeli military action against the Palestinians had been a watershed in the attitude of the Global South towards the West: the number of civilians killed and wounded, most of them women and children, was approaching 100,000; in an enclave of nearly 2.5 million people, one third of the houses had been completely destroyed. This has not just shown the hypocrisy of the Western Powers with their constant policy of double standards…

11.02.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as reported by The Times of Israel, said the IDF will soon enter the fray near the northern border with Lebanon to suppress Hezbollah. In recent weeks, Israel has been rushing significant forces and military equipment to the border with Lebanon as pro-Iranian Hezbollah supports Hamas militarily. Last December, it became known that the Israel Defence Forces General Staff was preparing a plan to invade southern Lebanon. In turn, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opposed the withdrawal of the army from the Gaza Strip and ruled out…

18.01.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Ever since Israel began its unprecedented bloodbath to exterminate Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, many officials in the US and Israel, followed by journalists, commentators, columnists and representatives of the so-called near-authorities, have become increasingly vocal about the “scenario of the day after tomorrow.” In this case, we are referring to the events that will take place when the guns fall silent and the fog of war dissipates. What will look like, first of all, the Palestinian issue, the general situation in the region and in the entire world, where there is a clear division between those who seek to resolve this difficult…