Middle East
17.04.2013 Alexander Orlov
The war in Syria entered a decisive phase after the Arab League summit held in Doha in March, at which Qatar and Saudi Arabia squashed all attempts at a peaceful resolution of the Syrian crisis by diplomatic means on either…
12.04.2013 Vladimir Platov
The increased foreign intervention in Syria’s internal conflict suggests that the anti-Assad coalition is preparing for the end of the “battle for Syria.” In northern Jordan, a training camp with mockups of typical Syrian towns and an airport has been…
08.04.2013 Stanislav Ivanov
Once again we see that Washington’s carefully prepared operation to partition the world is having an outcome that the American puppeteers could hardly have expected. The US troop withdrawal from Iraq in late 2011 should have helped consolidate Iraqi society,…
07.04.2013 Vitaly Bilan
Egyptian Foreign Minister Mohammed Amr visited the French capital in early April. Egyptian news agencies reported that Amr was received by both his French counterpart, Laurent Fabius, and French President François Hollande. That allowed both Amr and the controlled media…
06.04.2013 Ekaterina Ryzhkova
Political activists have recently begun increasingly performing acts that greatly harm public morality in order to create instability in individual countries and even entire regions. Actions by the group FEMEN are a striking example of that. Following Pussy Riot’s attacks…
03.04.2013 Trofimova Olga
The political situation in North Africa was characterized by a lack of prospects before the “Arab revolutions” broke out, and corrupt authoritarian regimes held all the power. The ruling elite justified the absence of political and economic reforms and the…
02.04.2013 Petr Lvov
Qatar recently announced that it plans to compete with Russia in Southern Europe’s natural gas market. Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hamad bin Jassim acknowledged that on April 1 at the Brookings Doha Energy Forum, where he spoke of…
29.03.2013 Petr Lvov
The recent Arab League summit, which illegally decided to provide military aid to the Syrian opposition under pressure from Doha, has once again demonstrated that there is a new power balance in the Arab world where the traditionally powerful countries…
27.03.2013 Редактор проекта
Arab scholarly circles have become much more interested in the future of political Islam and the role it plays in current events since the Arab Spring began. That is evident from the growing number of forums and meetings and the…
22.03.2013 Nikolai Bobkin
Iranians will choose its seventh president on June 14, 2013. Current President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has served as Iran's chief executive for eight years. Under its constitution, he cannot run for a third time. The country is about to get a…
22.03.2013 Vladimir Shmakov
With US President Barack Obama’s visit to the region in the background, the Syrian opposition using an accusation that Damascus has employed chemical weapons to provoke United States to intervene militarily in the Syrian conflict. The opposition knows full well…
21.03.2013 Konstantin Penzev
These are the facts. A chemical weapon was used the morning of March 19 near the town of Khan al-Asal in the Syrian province of Aleppo. Reuters cited an eyewitness who had entered the impact zone as saying that 26…