Middle East
17.08.2024 Viktor Mikhin

According to US media, Washington has approved $20 billion+ in weapon sales to Israel. The modern weaponry includes up to 50 F-15 fighter jets, up to 30 modern medium-range air-to-air missiles, tactical vehicles and a large number of tank and mortar shells. By giving Israel another carte blanche to continue the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip, the current Joe Biden administration has made it clear to the world that the US is also a direct participant in the massacre of Palestinians.

16.08.2024 Taut Bataut

Recently, Israel assassinated Hamas’ Political Bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. This alleged assassination by Israel has raised multiple questions. The assassination has been followed by the Beijing Declaration – which aims to promote unity between Palestinian entities, a framework initiated by China. This frustrated the United States.

15.08.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

Turkish leader Recep Erdogan is condemning Israel for the military conflict in the Gaza Strip – perhaps more than all other leaders of the Islamic states combined. However, Ankara is not moving from words to real deeds. What is the reason for this political approach of Turkey?

13.08.2024 Vladimir Mashin

Being 10 months into Israel’s war in Gaza have been eye-opening – even for the US ruling circles. On August 6, the Washington Post published an article titled “Netanyahu has managed to frustrate just about everyone”. It states: “President Biden is at his wits end. The Israeli military is exasperated. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis who regularly take to the streets suspect their leader of trying to prolong the war. And there are the international organisations, European powers, hostage families and members of the US Congress”.

13.08.2024 Yuriy Zinin

Following the assassinations of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniye in Tehran and Hezbollah military leader F. Shukr, dark clouds stretch across the political horizon of the Middle East. If denoted, the amount of built-up tension will lead to the ignition of an armed fire in the region. It is clear that there is a chain reaction of threats, amplifying the mutual irreconcilability.

10.08.2024 Veniamin Popov

The dramatic events of late July in the Middle East are a clear indication of the failure of American policy in the region. The Americans, staking their hopes on being able to sweep the Palestinian problem under the carpet, have miscalculated and as a result not only has their influence been weakened, but there is now a real possibility of a new full-scale war.

10.08.2024 Taut Bataut

The demise of the former Iranian President in a plane crash after his visit from Azerbaijan sparked a leadership crisis in the country. Iran went into new elections to elect the new President of the country. The government is facing Western sanctions due to its anti-West and Islamic policies. Iran has been a staunch rival of Western interests in the Middle Eastern region. Islamic conservative regime in Iran has been the prime source of anti-West policies. However, the newly elected Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian is expected to bring some change to Iran’s international stature. President Masoud is known to have a reformist ideology and has pledged during his election campaign to get some liberal reforms.

10.08.2024 Viktor Mikhin

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is terribly afraid of the cessation of armed hostilities in the Middle East. If this will happen, he will be forced to face investigate committees and questions regarding his own accountability and mistakes. He will not only have to answer many uncomfortable questions from the families of hostages, but also have to be severely punished for the death of many of them – though many could have been saved.

08.08.2024 Salman Rafi Sheikh

In popular parlance, the US President Joe Biden is already known as ‘Genocide Biden’ – a title that unmistakably highlights the role Biden has been playing, since October 2023, in facilitating Israel’s brutal war on Gaza. With Biden now all set to not contest in the upcoming presidential elections in the US in November this year, the question of whether the new president – Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump – bring any change to the US policy towards Israel?

08.08.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas is not finding a political solution, but is entering a new round of tension that threatens to turn into a major regional conflict. What follows Recep Erdoğan’s statement on the possibility of Turkey entering the Palestinian conflict and the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran?

06.08.2024 Viktor Mikhin

A number of Iranian officials are emphasising the Leader of the Islamic Revolution’s vow to take revenge on Israel for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh. He was killed when a shell hit his temporary residence in northern Tehran, according to a statement from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). The head of the Hamas political bureau travelled to Iran to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Masoud Pezeshkian.

04.08.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

Above 40, 000 confirmed casualties in Gaza, there is a possibility that other 186000 – 240000 have been killed indirectly, going by lower limits of known ratios of direct and indirect deaths in wars. This range suggests that 8-10% of Gaza’s prewar population of 2.3 million has been killed as the world watched. The European Union (EU) is a partner in these deaths…