23.10.2020 Tony Cartalucci

The EU has leveled sanctions against Russia for - among other things - "meddling" in Libya's ongoing civil war. AFP in its article, "EU sanctions senior Putin aides over Navalny, Libya," would claim: The EU said Wagner had committed "multiple and repeated breaches" of a UN arms embargo on Libya, where Russia has backed warlord Khalifa Haftar in his...

14.10.2020 Valery Kulikov

Despite the fact that there are no messages that would cause any alarm from Libyan media outlets in recent days, the situation in this country is still far from normal, but rather has only taken a temporary (and alarming pause. According to reports from Libya Al Ahrar TV channel, the split in Tripoli has become even more pronounced due to the talks being held...

01.10.2020 Viktor Mikhin

The disastrous crisis in Libya, which either seems to die down or explode with combat operations, continues to alarm the world community and be a bane for North Africa. But recently, both the world community and the Libyans themselves have taken a number of measures that, if they are executed precisely, may lead to a more peaceful situation in this turbulent country...

01.09.2020 Vladimir Platov

In recent days, a protest movement in Libya has been growing, and with each passing day, it has been spreading to an ever increasing number of towns and cities in this country, devastated by the ongoing civil war. Nine years since the overthrow of former Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi, which Western powers, including...

22.08.2020 Valery Kulikov

Turkey has taken major steps over the past few years to significantly strengthen its position in the Mediterranean, with the aim of showing its neighbors in the region along with its NATO allies that Turkey plays a key role there. Ankara has been focusing much of these efforts on protecting its interests in Libya, with which it shares maritime border in the Mediterranean Sea...

11.08.2020 Valery Kulikov

With crime on the rise on the territory controlled by the Government of National Accord (GNA, and amid growing discontent with how the GNA itself is operating, there has been a recent surge in protests against Fayez al-Sarraj in Tripoli. Local residents are fighting for access to basic amenities, as the GNA has failed to distribute them fairly. Outraged civilians...

03.08.2020 Phil Butler

US President Donald Trump’s gyrating foreign policy has just set the stage for another catastrophe in the eastern Mediterranean region. America’s waning influence on the world stage comes at the most inopportune time. When regional powers flex their muscles like Turkey is trying to, no good will come for a world of people already stressed to the limit over pandemics and civil strife. Just when...

30.07.2020 Valery Kulikov

According to many observers, the Libyan conflict is nearing its climax due to the number of players it now involves, a turning point which will be nothing short of crossing the Rubicon. Tensions are mounting in Libya today, and not only along the front line where the eastern and western centers of power clash, but also within...

09.07.2020 Valery Kulikov

Recently, there has been an increasing number of reports on the changing balance of power in Libya not only concerning the opposing sides in the Libyan conflict but also external forces, particularly Turkey, that are a part of it. Since Turkey’s yet undiminished involvement in the war in Libya, in many ways, still remains a decisive factor in the conflict...

30.06.2020 Salman Rafi Sheikh

With tectonic changes, reflected largely through a massive decline in Saudi influence, taking place within the ‘Muslim world’, a potent struggle for new dominance has already begun. The symbolic and actual battlefield is Libya, gateway to a big part of the Muslim world in Africa. While a number of countries---Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Russia, France---are involved directly...

30.06.2020 Valery Kulikov

Despite international community’s efforts to resolve the Libyan conflict via peaceful means, it is intensifying and new participants are becoming embroiled in it. On June 21, while inspecting Egyptian Armed Forces of Western Military Region stationed in the Sidi Barrani air base, located near the border with Libya, President of Egypt Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi told the troops to “be prepared to carry out any...

12.06.2020 Yuriy Zinin

“Conflicts in NATO bleed into Libya”, “Washington with Ankara in Libya to spite their regional allies”, “NATO back to the Libyan dossier”. These are some of the headlines in Arab media, commenting on the role of external factors in recent events in Libya. This is constantly on the front page whenever armed conflicts arise between to reigning camps in the country. This is the Government...