31.08.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

After the events of 2011, when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi was not only overthrown but also brutally murdered, Libya effectively ceased to exist as a single state, continuing to be a tidbit for businesses and outside players. In a struggle between two quasi-states inspired by themselves, these competing outside players have long tried to seize power in the country...

15.08.2021 Valery Kulikov

On December 24, 2021 Libya will hold general presidential and parliamentary elections.  These elections may do a great deal to restoring the authority of the Libyan state, which has been weakened by the tensions that persist despite the attempts to minimize the impact of the conflict, already several years old, between the country’s two main political powers. But both...

29.06.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

It is common knowledge that in recent years, Libya has become a camp of sorts where units of practically all leading terrorist organizations are stationed. And each of them wants its share of influence in this country. One of the key destabilizing elements is the presence of members of the Muslim Brotherhood movement...

24.06.2021 Valery Kulikov

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL has called on participants in the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF to hold an in-person meeting in Switzerland from June 28 to July 1 to “develop proposals on how to hold the national elections in Libya, especially in regard to the constitutional platform for the upcoming voting”. Right before this meeting...

04.04.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

In 2011 Libya, as a result of the armed aggression unleashed by the United States and its NATO allies instead of the “democracy and freedom” that the West promised, ended up in a serious economic and social crisis - and turned into a hotbed of extremists and international crime. As the American publication Diario...

29.03.2021 Vladimir Platov

Ten years ago, Washington unleashed full-on armed aggression against Libya. On March 17, 2011, Washington managed not only to mislead the world community, creating a picture of universal support and legality of military operations in Libya, but also to actually wage the war using someone else’s hands. The armed invasion of this North African...

06.03.2021 Vladimir Danilov

Recently, the United States and Britain, actively using the propaganda tools that they possess, have increasingly begun to accuse Russia and China of interfering in their domestic affairs and election campaigns, and of effectively preparing coups in these countries. However, apart from making proclamatory statements, neither Washington nor London has...

11.02.2021 Valery Kulikov

As a result of five days (February 1-5 of UN-mediated Forum for Political Dialogue to resolve the Libyan crisis in Geneva, 74 selected delegates from both main sides of the civil war going on in Libya selected a new unified leadership for the transitional period. The three-member Presidential Council and the Prime Minister must propose within three weeks...

10.02.2021 Vladimir Platov

The Democratic Party of the United States, having regained power in the country with the arrival of Joe Biden to the White House, immediately began not only to twist the former decisions of Republican President Trump, but also to return the “victory gains” acquired during the time of President Obama. It’s not that hard to do today, especially since back in 2009-2017, Joe Biden...

22.11.2020 Valery Kulikov

The Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, which was held in Tunis from November 9-15 under the auspices of the UN, and on which people had pinned particular hope for reaching a political compromise, and resolving the conflict in Libya, disappointed its participants and the countries in the region, leaving more questions than answers. Many observers noted...

13.11.2020 Valery Kulikov

The international community has recently taken many steps aimed at regulating the conflict in Libya, and the wider situation in that country, and there have been several rounds of talks, in various formats, both political and military, between the main Libyan factions. In the military talks the participants agreed to split the senior...

26.10.2020 Yuriy Zinin

“Security problems, political discord, oil blockades, corruption, and Libya’s foreign debt, which has reached 270% of its GDP, all torpedo economic life,” said Central Bank of Libya governor Sadiq al-Kabir.  Oil revenues in Libya have plummeted, from $53 billion in 2012 to near zero this year, he added. These words, spoken on the eve...