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Libya: Drifting Towards An Iraqi Scenario

Set against the background of events that are unfolding in Ukraine, as well as in the north of Iraq and Gaza, the topic of Libya has faded somewhat. At the same time, in mid-July there was a tremendous explosion of violence which has resulted in a chain reaction...

Yuriy Zinin

Libya's Destruction a Warning to Egypt, Syria, & Ukraine

RT's article, "90% of aircraft destroyed at Tripoli airport, Libya may seek international assistance," reported that: Libya is considering a deployment of international force to re-establish security amid a flare-up of violence in Tripoli which saw dozens of rockets destroy most...

Tony Cartalucci

The Truth of Libya (Finally) Goes Mainstream

More than three years after the US and its NATO allies unleashed an “intervention” and regime change in Libya, the US establishment admits they maybe have “got it wrong.” Naturally, there were many of us who were demonized endlessly for speaking out against that war, and...

Eric Draitser