13.03.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Two bloody events have enraged the entire country, raising the painful question of whether the negative effects of the brazen, unjustified invasion of Iraq by hordes of US troops 20 years ago are still wreaking havoc on all Iraqis today. When Jassim al-Assadi, a leading campaigner for the preservation of Iraq’s famous southern marshes, was kidnapped by unknown...

16.02.2023 Viktor Mikhin

In its first 100 days in power, the government of Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed al-Sudani has already left the first, and not very positive, signs of what may await the country in the near future. To say the least, the government’s heavy-handed actions have largely deviated from the promises al-Sudani made before taking office, resulting in unwanted disruptions...

13.01.2023 Viktor Mikhin

Despite the breakthrough after a year of domestic crisis, now that all the top leadership of Iraq has been elected and appointed, including the Parliament, the President, the Prime Minister, and the government, political stability in the country is far from certain this year. And to a large extent, the United States is to blame for this, the 20th anniversary of the invasion by which the tortured Iraq will “celebrate” in two...

01.11.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Iraq has taken the first steps toward forming a new government, but whether it can achieve lasting peace in the country remains questionable. Mohammed Shia' Sabbar Al-Sudani, a former minister who has unexpectedly emerged as the new leader of the Shiites, is poised to take power as prime minister  after forming a new coalition government with Kurdish and Sunni...

12.10.2022 Valery Kulikov

Due to the US administration’s policy of continuous borrowing, including to finance the armed conflict in Ukraine, amid record inflation and fears of an impending recession, public debt exceeded $31 trillion for the first time. The Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, but tighter lending policies are causing the federal government to spend $500 billion on servicing...

09.10.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Almost a year after Iraq’s last parliamentary elections in October 2021, no government has yet been formed. There is a fierce power struggle to form a government between the Sadrist movement, led by populist Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, and the Coordination Framework (CF) alliance, which includes a number of Shiite parties largely united in their...

19.09.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Ayed al-Hilali, one of the leaders of the Coordination Framework Alliance (CFA), in an interview with Shafak News, said his supporters were determined to form a new government in Iraq. He categorically rejected Imam Muqtada al-Sadr’s call for the current Prime Minister Mustafa al-Qazimi and his cabinet to retain the authority to oversee new parliamentary elections...

30.08.2022 Viktor Mikhin

For the past month, there have been bitter political disputes in Iraq that have divided and polarized different communities, making it impossible to elect representatives to the country's highest bodies. These divisions have deeply engrained themselves into the different strata of the society through social media, creating disputes and barriers not only between communities ...

05.08.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Regrettably, Iraq is going through one of the most serious political crises since the unjustified aggression of the United States, which deliberately destroyed the state mechanism of the Arab country. Nine months after the last parliamentary elections, Iraqi politicians still have not agreed on candidates for the posts of president and prime minister. Inevitably, disagreements...

25.07.2022 Valery Kulikov

Since July 20, Iraq has been swept by a spontaneous wave of anti-Turkish actions after the night missile strike of the Barakh resort zone in the Zakhu district of the Northern Iraq province of Duhok, a city at the border of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Turkey. According to the information available, eight tourists were killed...

14.07.2022 Viktor Mikhin

Last month, Shiite populist leader Muqtada al-Sadr called for his supporters to resign from the Iraqi parliament. Out of 73 deputies, 64 members bound by party discipline resigned immediately and were quickly replaced by others from other parties. The unprecedented for Iraq, but quick move could turn the entire electoral map over in favor of Sadr’s rival, the Coordination...

01.06.2022 Vladimir Odintsov

For the past two years, the US has been actively trying to rally the Arab world around Israel, to solve the “Palestinian issue” in American terms and to force Palestine to resolve the conflict with Israel through Donald Trump’s “deal of the century,” which has a clear bias in favor of the Jewish state. Washington does not support the Palestinian...