29.05.2021 Valery Kulikov

Not only is the Middle East one of the cradles of civilizations but also a region with the largest natural gas and crude oil reserves on the planet. It is a place where different cultures collide, a focal point of international trade and an important political arena. Interests of three continents (Asia, Africa and Europe merge in this region, where the United States continues to pursue...

16.04.2021 Valery Kulikov

The now infamous blockage of the Suez Canal, along with the incident that nearly led to its repetition that occurred in early April, as well as a series of terrorist attacks committed by Israel against Iranian ships, has forced the international community to actively look for a possible alternative to this vital maritime transport artery. Against...

29.03.2021 Valery Kulikov

The March 23 traffic collapse in the Suez Canal due to the grounding of the giant container ship Ever Given has inadvertently become one of the hottest topics of discussion of late. It has brought additional world attention to our vulnerability and direct dependence on the state of current transportation routes in various parts of the world. The accident blocked...

18.03.2021 Viktor Mikhin

The just-concluded visit of Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi to Sudan and the positive outcome of his talks with the top leaders of the neighboring country have created a new solid political-military situation in North Africa. Unlike the West, who solve various disagreements and disputes in the foreign arena only through threats, sanctions of various kinds, the construction...

16.03.2021 Dmitry Bokarev

Russia is one of the world’s main suppliers of technologies and high-technology products related to the defense, space, nuclear energy, etc. industries, meaning strategically important areas of activity in which only qualified professionals can fully appreciate what has been achieved. As far as the production and export of everyday products for ordinary people are concerned, for example cars, the Russian Federation...

15.02.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

Recent events and Cairo’s policy in this context clearly show that Egypt is steadily reclaiming its major role in the Middle East, not as a tool in the hands of the US and Israel, but as it was before, standing on all-Arab patriotic positions. And these vectors of Cairo’s foreign policy are clearly visible in Egypt’s participation in the 2019 coup d'état in Sudan, in its approaches to resolving the Libyan...

23.07.2020 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Whereas Egypt may have its own reasons to intervene in Libya, it appears that the current dynamics of the north African state’s latest decision to send its military into Libya go far beyond the traditional parameters of ‘national interest.’ In many ways, Egypt is acting like a client state of some Arab powers, some of whom have long been involved in another...

30.06.2020 Viktor Mikhin

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which without warning began ravaging our planet, some important issues have been put on hold. However, they will have to be resolved sooner or later. One of them is the water scarcity problem. In fact, some scientists and experts believe that it may lead to wars, which could cause more deaths than the Coronavirus pandemic. It is common...

17.05.2020 Vladimir Platov

Washington threatening to potentially impose sanctions against Egypt at the end of 2019 if Cairo went ahead with its purchase of military aircraft from Russia became “a new source of friction” for the USA “with a country whose leader” had been previously lauded by the US President. And just a few days ago, Donald Trump showed the world that the United States...

09.10.2019 Tony Cartalucci

When the West's leading media organizations attempt to convince audiences they know nothing about where Mohammed Aly - a Spanish-based Egyptian protest leader - came from, the first thing one can be sure of is they are being lied to. Protests have begun to spread again in Egypt after nearly a decade...

30.09.2019 Valery Kulikov

Since September 20, Egypt’s government has been facing a new challenge in the form of massive anti-government demonstrations demanding the resignation of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi both in the capital, and in such cities as Alexandria, Suez, El Mansour, and Helwan. So far, there’s been two major waves of protests, but additional waves seem to be just...

25.06.2019 Andre Vltchek

Former President of Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, had finished his 15-minute discourse in a courtroom, while being locked inside a sound-proofed cage. He read a poem about his love for Egypt, and then collapsed, and died. His demise sent shock-waves all over Egypt, the region...