South Korea
05.12.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

According to the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA, while trying to get to Pyongyang, another spy was captured. First, he disguised himself as a Chinese citizen, but later confessed that he is an employee of the National Intelligence Service of Korea. The investigation is still in progress...

03.12.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

There is no radical new evidence against the United Progressive Party. However, according to the National Security Law, it is enough what the investigators already have, moreover, the fact that there was meeting is undisputed, and only quotes are being challenged as taken out of context...

21.11.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

The sinking of the corvette and the national grief that accompanied it virtually gave Lee Myung-bak a reason to openly void all agreements made at summits in the years 2000 and 2007. The tendency to cancel agreements reached at the 2007 summit was apparent from the very start of Lee's...

20.11.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

As reported by a number of news agencies in early November, Seoul is considering the possibility of a large-scale withdrawal of sanctions that South Korea imposed against the DPKR on May 24, 2010.This was stated during a meeting with members...

21.09.2013 Konstantin Asmolov

It seems that, in the Republic of Korea (RK, a big scandal is growing which is associated with an attempted coup. According to official sources, on 28 August 2013, officials of the National Intelligence Service (NIS searched the homes and offices of members of the Unified Progressive Party...

21.01.2013 Vladimir Yevseyev
Something momentous happened with North Korea’s space program on December 12, 2012: An Unha-3 (“Milky Way-3”) rocket successfully launched a Kwanmenson-3 (“Bright Star-3”) artificial earth satellite into orbit using a modified three-stage Taepodong-2 ballistic missile as the launch vehicle. A…