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North Korea

An Unpleasant Reminder of the US Defeat

On February 25, 2021, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia ordered North Korea to pay 2.3 billion USD in compensation for damages to the crew of the USS Pueblo, which was hijacked in 1968. The American side claims that a marine research vessel was seized that was in international waters at the time of the incident. One of the 83 crew...

Konstantin Asmolov

Who will Handle the Korean Conflict under Biden, and How?

We have already made preliminary predictions about what the new US president's course on the Korean Peninsula will look like. Now that Joe Biden has introduced some of his team and partially spoken out himself, some things are further clarified. Let's start with Biden himself. We recall that he was critical of the meetings between Trump and Kim, insisting that they only...

Konstantin Asmolov

“The Struggle for Human Rights in the DPRK“ in 2020

The year 2020 was formally rich in events related to exposing the DPRK from the perspective of human rights. As early as January 15, 2020. Human Rights Watch has called on the ROK government to assess the human rights situation in North Korea: although “North Korea remains one of the most repressive countries in the world,” President Moon Jae-in's administration has...

Konstantin Asmolov