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North Korea

Releasing My North Korean Documentary Film to My Readers

This is my 25-minutes piece about the DPRK (North Korea – country that I visited relatively recently; visited and loved, was impressed with, and let me be frank – admired. I don’t really know if I could call this a ‘documentary’. Perhaps not. A simple story, you know: I met a girl…

Andre Vltchek

Tales of North Korean Abuses: No Facts, All Fiction

Claims of North Korean human rights abuses spearheaded attempts to undermine US-North Korean negotiations in Singapore. While the talks are unlikely to change the long-laid agendas of special interests across the West who have cultivated and profit from the ongoing…
Tony Cartalucci

Is There a Chance of Trump Meeting Kim Jong Un?

Last week, North Korea was visited by a high-profile South Korean delegation headed by National Security Office head Chung Eui-yong. During their two day stay in Pyongyang, members of the delegation had a number of talks with local political elites resulting in Chung Eui-yong making...

Konstantin Asmolov