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RK Visit to the US Joint Statement by the Presidents

The President of the Republic of Korea's Visit to the United States: An Analysis of Key Documents and Statements. Part 2. Joint Statement by the Presidents

Yoon and Biden’s opening monologue was theatrical, just like the Washington Declaration. “The United States and the ROK are constructing an Alliance that will provide future generations with a firm foundation upon which to build prosperity and security.” The first part of the statement positioned the US-ROK alliance as a “Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance” that “has grown far beyond the Korean Peninsula, reflecting the vital role of our two countries as global leaders in advancing democracy…

Konstantin Asmolov
Waiting for the launch of North Korea’s first military intelligence satellite

Waiting for the launch of North Korea’s first military intelligence satellite

This author will discuss the current round in the confrontation between the two Koreas in his next article, and pause for a moment to look at a more significant event. On April 18 Kim Jong-un, General secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and head of state of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, headed a working party visiting the National Aerospace Development AdministrationHe was accompanied by technicians, specialists in the field of scientific and technical communications research and senior officers from the Main technical intelligence division of the Korean People’s Army...

Konstantin Asmolov
Anti-prediction on the anticipation regarding the outcome of Yoon Suk-yeol's visit to the United States

Anti-prediction on the anticipation regarding the outcome of Yoon Suk-yeol's visit to the United States

A genre the author refers to as “anti-predictions” may be found in his various works. They describe the most dismal developments in the hope that others who read them would approach the situation in a different way. In this vein, the author anxiously anticipates the key results of Yoon Suk-yeol’s visit to the United States. The crucial dates will be April 26-27, when Yoon will deliver a speech at a news conference or gala dinner, the substance and implications of which will almost certainly reshape the regional security architecture. If and when Yoon does…

Konstantin Asmolov