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What is behind the Reduction in the Ration Allowance in North Korea?

We have written several times about the “inevitable famine in North Korea” but, regrettably, this discussion arises again and again. This time, the news concerns a sharp reduction in the state ration. As the Voice of America...

Konstantin Asmolov

Korea: Once Again, Lost in Canards

After the scandal of the “escaped waitresses”, South Korean media spread some telling news. According to Yonhap News Agency (citing “an anonymous source well informed about the situation in North Korea”, the North Korean intelligence...

Konstantin Asmolov

On the Renewal of North Korea’s Plutonium Program

On August 17, the Japanese Kyodo News Agency reported that the graphite reactor in Yongbyon had resumed processing nuclear fuel for the production of weapons-grade plutonium, referring to the Nuclear Energy Research Institute of...

Konstantin Asmolov