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The Political Situation in Japan is Getting more Complicated

The hopes of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Japan for a successful exit from a period of internal political turbulence, into which the country began to sink since the spring of last year, are not happening. Recall that on September 16, 2020, the Japanese Parliament approved Yoshihide Suga as Prime Minister, replacing Shinzo Abe. He resigned...

Vladimir Terehov

News about Radioactive Water: it Looks Like it is being Released into the Ocean.

At one time the author wrote about the fate of the radioactive water accumulated at Fukushima-1 and that sooner or later the Japanese government would decide to drain it. Finally, it happened. On April 13, 2021, the Japanese government decided to allow a significant amount of water from the damaged nuclear power...

Konstantin Asmolov

On the Japanese Prime Minister’s Trip to the US

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga’s visit to the United States on April 16-17 this year and his talks with President Joe Biden were quite remarkable for a number of reasons. The main results of this event are outlined in the Joint Statement published on the White House website. The document consists of a preamble and three named sections. At the outset...

Vladimir Terehov