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On the major players’ activities on the sidelines of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly

Perhaps more than ever, the 77th regular session of the UN General Assembly is being actively used by major world players in events missing from the agenda of this esteemed organization. It is by no means an exception in this regard, as the same is observed during scheduled meetings of other...

Vladimir Terehov

China Stands against the United States’ Violation of International Law

To date, US-China relations have steadily deteriorated. One of the reasons for the cooling of relations between the two countries is Beijing’s growing ambition to gain control of the South Pacific region, while Washington intends to thwart China’s growing military and economic power. To maintain their current position...

Petr Konovalov

Futenma Remains a Thorn in the Side of US-Japanese Relations

The fate of the US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, one of several operated by the US military on Okinawa, has been discussed many times in the NEO and is noteworthy from several angles. Above all, however, because not only are the answers to the two traditional questions “Who is to blame?” and “What is to be...

Vladimir Terehov