21.11.2021 Valery Kulikov

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is well known for his resounding appeals built on the political doctrine of Pan-Ottomanism, which emerged in Turkey in the 1970s, according to which all subjects of the Ottoman Empire are members of a single nation, the Ottomans. However, such verbal passage has been...

04.11.2021 Vladimir Platov

After the failed US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the coming to power in Kabul of the Taliban (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation), the regional security system in Central Asia began to undergo rapid reformatting. New players, the USA, Turkey, and China are trying to enter the traditional zone of influence and responsibility of Russia in the territory...

15.09.2021 Vladimir Platov

Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, has received a noticeable increase in media attention in recent reports. Numerous media covered in detail the celebration of the 30th anniversary of state independence of Tajikistan, which ended on September 9 in Dushanbe with a grand celebratory fireworks display and a colorful concert program. On September...

06.09.2021 Petr Konovalov

Today, the Islamist terrorist movement Taliban (banned in Russia completely controls the Afghan side of the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan. The government of Tajikistan, a small Central Asian country with a population of 9 million, has every reason to worry about peace and security in its borders...

27.12.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Recently, more and more often in various media reports one can find information about the increased terrorist threat to Tajikistan coming from Afghanistan. To objectively understand the emerging situation, it is necessary to recall that Afghanistan and Tajikistan have quite close relations, due to a largely common historical past, traditions, culture and religion, as well...

12.05.2019 Dmitry Bokarev

The Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU is an international organization, member states of which include Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. As the name implies, the EAEU aims to integrate Eurasian economies in an economic union work together with all its potential...

29.03.2019 Martin Berger

To this day Central Asia remains an arena of struggle for a number of major international players, namely Russia, China and the United States. In this struggle, Washington has now started losing its influence, which resulted in a series of desperate attempts to establish a sound...

03.01.2017 Dmitry Bokarev

In October 2016, a terrorist organization that has been known as the Taliban assaulted the Afghan town of Kunduz once again. It should be noted that the city is located on the very Afghan-Tajik border, therefore this development...

13.08.2016 Dmitry Bokarev

Most people are ignorant of the fact that Tajikistan is among the top ten richest states in terms of natural minerals. However, the country itself is anything but rich, in spite of massive deposits of coal, precious stones, gold...

28.07.2016 Dmitry Bokarev

The sharp drop in the popularity of nuclear power after the disaster at the Japanese power station, Fukushima-1, turned out to be temporary. Limiting energy consumption is not feasible not least because hydrocarbon energy resources...

03.05.2016 Dmitry Bokarev

The Central Asian region has always been of pivotal importance for both the USSR and its successor – the Russian Federation. But it seems that the sky is the limit in this matter since the latest developments in the region have increased...

17.10.2015 Sofia Pale

Tajikistan - the smallest country in Central Asia with a population of 8 million people, rarely makes international news. However, the events of recent months there have attracted more and more attention. In the long term, Tajikistan is interesting because...