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Will the US and Germany Turn Mongolia into a Biological Warfare Testing Grounds against Russia and China?

The results of Russia’s ongoing special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine reveal with each passing day more and more documentary evidence of the criminal activities of the US and its allies in that country. One of its activities, as the information received has shown, is the development...

Vladimir Platov

Mongolia is Among Russia's Key Partners in Asia

Russia and Mongolia are close neighbors, and their immediate geographic proximity has determined the mutual geopolitical pull of Russia and Mongolia, an objective contributing to political, military, trade and economics, cultural, and other bilateral ties. Russian-Mongolian relations, characterized by traditional good-neighborliness, are comprehensive...

Vladimir Odintsov

Is Mongolia Refusing a Non-Permanent Seat in the UN Security Council?

On September 23, the President of Mongolia, Ukhnaagiin Khürelsükh took part in a full session of the UN General Assembly, in which he set out Mongolia’s position on various current issues in international relations. In his speech, he focused particularly on the topic of cooperation between Mongolia and the United Nations...

Vladimir Odintsov