12.04.2014 Viktoria Panfilova

It took three years of negotiations and one dollar for Kyrgyzstan and Russia to finalise the sale of Kyrgyz gas company KyrgyzGaz to Russian gas monopoly Gazprom. The contract for purchase and sale of the company, dated 10 April, was signed by Alexei Miller and the head of KyrgyzGaz...

27.02.2014 Vladimir Odintsov

International terrorism and extremism are exported particularly actively in this era of globalization. Almost all countries, where there is a significant proportion of Muslim population, have to deal with Islamic radicalism today. We can clearly see...

24.12.2013 Viktoria Panfilova

The government of Kyrgyz has to submit a new agreement on the development of the Kumtor Gold Mine, where the republic would own 67%, to the members of the parliament, or to resign. For the republic, this means not only a collapse of state funding and a trial in the international court, with...

08.11.2013 Viktoria Panfilova

Kyrgyzstan appears to be heading towards a politically charged future. Opponents of President Almazbek Atambayev are accusing him of illegally seizing power. Despite the fact that Kyrgyzstan has been a parliamentary republic for over three years amendments added to the constitution...

16.05.2013 Valeriy Maleev
The World’s Fair, or Expo as it is also known, is not just one of the most prestigious international events, it also yields significant economic benefits from the influx of tourists and increased business interest in the region. Yekaterinburg is…
25.04.2013 Viktoria Panfilova
Washington is actively trying to take advantage of the transportation deadlock that Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan found themselves in after the Soviet Union’s collapse to advance its regional New Silk Road program. It is obvious that the project’s main goal is…