23.10.2020 Vladimir Danilov

Over the past few years, the lion’s share of the countries in Central Asia (CA have been undergoing a period involving social, economic, and political transformation. The region desperately needs to put transportation and social projects in place, create new jobs, industries, and energy facilities, and improve the quality of education…

01.10.2020 Vladimir Danilov

On October 4, Kyrgyzstan is scheduled to hold its parliamentary election for the 7th consecutive time since the republic gained its independence. The Supreme Council is the unicameral Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic. These elections are quite important for Kyrgyz society because starting in 2010, when a constitutional referendum was held, the nation embarked...

10.07.2020 Phil Butler

If you live in the United States the mention of a country like Kyrgyzstan or Uzbekistan probably only registers on a subconscious “movie memory” level. Or, you assume all those countries with “stan” at the end are the same - foreign, off this world, and too far distant to matter. Unless, of course, you work in the intelligence community...

17.04.2019 Dmitry Bokarev

On 28 March 2019, Russian President Vladimir Putin paid an official visit to Kyrgyzstan. His Kyrgyz counterpart, President Sooronbay Jeenbekov, called the trip historical. Media outlets have primarily focused on agreements, reached via negotiations between the two leaders, on the expansion of the territory...

03.10.2018 Dmitry Bokarev

In early September 2018, Kyrgyzstan hosted the Third World Nomad Games. This is a unique international cultural and sports event that becomes increasingly popular every year and draws guests from around the world. The idea to hold...

24.07.2016 Martin Berger

Most Westerners would have a hard time locating Kyrgyzstan on the world map, in spite of the role it plays upon the geopolitical chessboard. However, this country has been actively exploited recently by various forces in a bid to...

19.09.2015 Sofia Pale

On August 31, 2015 Kyrgyzstan celebrated the 24th anniversary of its Independence. On Ala-Too Square - the central square of Bishkek, the capital, - the Kyrgyz president Almazbek Atambayev delivered a speech in which he noted the main achievements...

04.09.2015 Vladimir Odintsov

Recently Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have opened the customs border which marked Kyrgyzstan's acquiring of the status of a full member of the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC. Since out of all the countries...

03.09.2015 Sofia Pale

Very recently, in July 2015, the Kyrgyz government denounced the framework agreement on cooperation with the United States, and exactly one year ago, in July 2014, soldiers of the US Army left the Manas military airbase forever. The country changed its orientation...

22.03.2015 Viktoria Panfilova

The treaty on the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU was signed at the end of December 2014. The country will become a full participating member of the EAEU in May 2015. As the transition to a new level of integration approaches the opposing views...

23.06.2014 Viktoria Panfilova

At the beginning of June in Kyrgyzstan there was an official ceremony to mark the closing of the American military airbase where served as a major transportation point through which coalition forces in Afghanistan were supplied. The last American servicemen...

25.05.2014 Viktoria Panfilova

Kyrgyzstan has successfully lived through the spring, which promised to be very heated. Actively supported and directed by the west, the opposition managed to hold its “great rally” but it was unable to accomplish its goal of overthrowing...