11.01.2022 Viktor Mikhin

The finance minister of Afghanistan in the new government of the Taliban (banned in Russia) has prepared a national budget which, for the first time in two decades, will be financed without foreign aid.  This comes as the country becomes mired in an economic crisis and confronts an incipient humanitarian catastrophe, which the United Nations has called “an avalanche...

07.01.2022 Valery Kulikov

In the current situation, after the withdrawal of the US military contingent from Afghanistan and the Taliban (the movement is banned in Russia) came to power in this country, Washington is actively making adjustments to its strategy in Central Asia. As can be seen from the changes in the actions of the White House, on the one hand, Washington is not ready...

28.12.2021 Vladimir Odintsov

Although the official death toll from COVID-19 currently exceeds 5.4 million, it is estimated by individual experts that the actual fatality statistics could be as high as 15.2 million. Unfortunately, many countries of the world have found themselves particularly vulnerable to the negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, especially...

27.12.2021 Valery Kulikov

Qatar and then travel to Afghanistan to discuss in detail the operation of Kabul airport, which is considered to be the main hub for receiving humanitarian aid meant for Afghan citizens and providing international flights. Taliban is interested in Ankara’s proposal for an apparent reason: after the US withdrawal and the flight of many...

16.12.2021 Vladimir Danilov

Four months after the withdrawal of the US and NATO troops from Afghanistan, the Taliban (movement is banned in the Russian Federation) attempts to shape the country on their image, despite the lack of recognition. Nevertheless, they have complete freedom from their neighbors to do whatever they want. They do not officially interfere but try...

19.11.2021 Vladimir Terehov

The state and development of the Afghan issue seems to reflect all the flaws of today’s global order, which has also begun to “radically transform.” While the relevance of this kind of change process is more or less obvious, it is not clear where their generalized vector is headed. Furthermore, an important question seems to be whether the process develops “by itself...

16.11.2021 Valery Kulikov

To justify its interventionist actions in the Middle East, the United States, following the now cliched example, actively uses its alleged commitment to fighting against terrorism, focusing on countering such well-known terrorist formations as Al Qaeda and ISIS (both are banned in Russia). The same goes for the actions of the USA in Afghanistan. However, Washington didn’t take...

10.11.2021 Valery Kulikov

Despite the August flight from Afghanistan, Washington does not part with the idea of returning the situation in that country to a channel which would be favorable for it; this time it intends not to use its own forces for this purpose but the capabilities of its "satellites" dissatisfied with the current Afghan authorities. To this end...

08.11.2021 Salman Rafi Sheikh

Ever since coming into power after the chaotic US withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, the Taliban (banned in Russia) has been facing an unprecedented security challenge from the Islamic State in Khorasan (terrorist ogranization, banned in Russia). Ever since August, a series of highly sophisticated attacks in Kabul and other cities have eroded...

26.10.2021 Seth Ferris

Around fifty years ago the American singer Lovelace Watkins, who hadn’t made the expected impact in his own country, became a big star in the UK. A big, powerful black man with a booming voice who sang popular romantic songs, his earthy appeal made him very popular with the ladies, and he performed a number of sold out cabaret shows and released several records...

24.10.2021 Valery Kulikov

On October 20, the Russian capital hosted Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan, a meeting involving members of the Taliban (banned in Russia as well as representatives of China, Pakistan, Iran, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The US welcomed the talks, saying though that it would abstain from this meeting...

16.10.2021 Vladimir Platov

In an attempt to showcase humane foundations of its policies with the purpose to convince the international community to promptly recognize new Afghan authorities, the Taliban (banned in Russia has been recently showcasing its alleged intentions to join the “merciless fight against drugs.” It is common knowledge that this problem has been plaguing the country...